Welcome! Thank you for your interest in joining the 988 Suicide  and Crisis Lifeline, and becoming a local voice within our national community of crisis centers. 

With ever increasing call volume and the implementation of 988, the Lifeline continues to work with states and local crisis centers to increase our capacity and increase the amount of calls that can be answered locally and in state. Your application will be considered relative to the services provided by the existing Lifeline member centers in your state, coverage gaps in your state, capacity expansion plans, and the preferences of the state mental health or public health agencies.  

This application will take about 15-20 minutes to complete. If you need to pause it and come back later, you can.

If you have any questions about the application, please contact Devon Morera, Coordinator of New Member Services, at dmorera@vibrant.org. We will respond to application submissions and inquiries within 2 business days. 

If you are an individual, looking to volunteer or work with a crisis center, please visit our website to learn more:  https://988lifeline.org/participate/

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline